Premium Industry Partners of KSOP
The challenge to solve social and technological problems can only be managed by cooperations between research, industry and politics. Thus, the transfer of academic knowledge is very important for innovations like procedures, technologies and services. Moreover, the globalization of research demands a huge network to be competitive abroad institutional and geographical borders.
Therefore, the initiative "Promotion of Junior Researchers in Optics & Photonics" was founded.
Companies can recruit young professionals for practical training, master thesis or jobs.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kropf (CR/P)
President Corporate Sector Research and Advance Engineering Robert Bosch GmbH
"Bosch has been working with KIT for many years. Our partnership brings the worlds of science and business practice together in a dialogue from which both sides can benefit. Our common goal is to use technological solutions to improve quality of life."
Prof. Dr. Michael Kaschke
Chairman of the KIT Supervisory Board & Former CEO of Carl Zeiss AG
"The KSOP M.Sc. in Optics & Photonics attracts many highly qualified applicants from all over the world. We are happy about this at ZEISS, because the close cooperation between the university and the partner companies enables the students a practical training on a high level. I can personally see these benefits during my lectures in Karlsruhe. As a company, we would like to continue supporting you in setting up courses of study in a future-oriented way. Because: Optics and Photonics are key technologies of the 21st century."
Dr. Dietmar Gnaß
Managing Director of Polytec GmbH
"The long-standing partnership has put Polytec in a very good position to meet young talents. As a company for optical metrology, we have a constant need for master theses in our R&D department and the application department. We can optimally fill this need with well-educated students. This has resulted in both an improvement of our products and applications as well as the acquisition of students in permanent positions. All in all, the master’s program is an outstanding program for the optical technologies and also for Polytec, which we will continue to support."