Industry Partners of the Karlsruhe School of Optics & Photonics

Why is a cooperation between the optical industry and KSOP so important?
Nowadays and in future, it is crucial to build up a network between industry and university regarding research and education.
Industry partners of KSOP not only have an exclusive access to high potential and international junior staff which can easily be recruited thanks to the close cooperation. The research and teaching environment fosters innovations and empowers the industry partners to ensure their technological competitiveness.
How does KSOP prepare the international students for the German labour market?
Which advantages do industry partners profit from?
Practical Experiences & Industry Insights
- Students have to complete at least one internship in industry.
- KSOP encourages students to write their master´s thesis at a partner company. By this, high potentials can be retained right at the beginning.
- Excursions to industry partners
- Cooperative lectures of company representatives
Soft Skills & Cultural Integration
- Many offers: German language courses, intercultural training as well as German Business Knigge workshops
- KSOP students take part in application workshops
- Team work is facilitated by lab work in teams and extra-curricular activities, e.g., organized by the OSA and SPIE student chapter OSKar
Building Career Networks
- Network and career events like Internship Icebreaker Day, Career Day at your company, and several other possibilities for students and company representatives to get in touch
- KSOP graduates apply current research innovations in their future industry jobs
KSOP Premium Partners
You can take a closer look on our Premium Partners and an overview on all industry partners we have worked with since 2006. Which industry packages do we provide? See here.

Industry Flyer