Campus of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

The accommodation situation in Karlsruhe is quite tense, which is why we recommend you to apply for several housing options as soon as possible. You can find more information under Service & Support.
Central Facilities of the KIT
The KIT-library supports students and scientists all around the clock with over two million books and 28,000 magazines. Focus areas are natural sciences, technical and economic sciences. The latest literature is freely accessible in the respective disciplinary reading rooms. Additionally, the library offers several Services via internet, including regional and national online-catalogs, subject-specific databases, electronic full-texts and multimedia, and various document delivery services.
International Students Office (IstO)
The IstO offers information and services for German students planning a semester abroad as well as for international students planning to study at KIT. Moreover, IstO supports students searching for internships abroad and informs about financial support possibilities.
Studying at KIT, student projects, the working world, leisure activities, Events, and much more - the online magazine cliKIT informs students four times a year.
Radio KIT
"KIT Wissen - Faszination Forschung" and "KIT Campus- Studieren und mehr" are the two magazines of the KIT radio program. The programs are changing weekly and can be received on Thursday, 5pm - 6pm via VHF Karlsruhe 104.8, BW Kabel 100.2 or via Internet live stream.
Study Center for the Visually Impaired Students (SZS)
The SZS promotes the autonomy of blind and visually impaired students in all study programs at KIT through intensive care, technical workstation equipment, individual mobility training, internships, and studies abroad. Due to close cooperation with industry, transition to work mostly takes place without any problems.
KIT Students Counseling Center (zib)
The zib is the first address regarding all questions around studies at KIT. Prospective students and students are advised in different issues, for example which field of study to choose, how to plan studies or how to deal with difficulties in examinations or learning.
KIT Career Service
The Career Service accompanies you already during your study around the themes career, internship and job entry.
KIT Center for Cultural and General Studies (ZAK)
The purpose of ZAK is the acquirement of multidisciplinary key skills, interdisciplinary competences and intercultural communication.
KIT House of Competences (HoC)
The House of Competences offers a wide veriety of courses with the goal of:
1. organisation of learning
2. presentation and communication
3. methodical working
4. scientific writing
5. finding the right field of work and (later) job